Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Juicing for Health

Beginning a new adventure today...Juicing! 
Studies prove juicing detoxes the body, alkalinizes it and helps it heal, 
adds light and energy to your cells, hydrates and more!
My first juice came out delicious, full of nature's organic gifts to us!

My combo for today:
Always use organic, wash and leave the peels on for extra nutrients:
1 granny smith apple (lowest sugar of all apples)
1/2 a lime (added a perfect zing to balance the green flavors)
4 stalks of kale
1 whole cucumber
1 celery stalk

Enjoy and please post your favorite juice combos for me to try!
Dr. Nicole
Wellness Warrior
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
(561) 740-2340